Water wetting agent for all water-based drilling fluids
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Water wetting agent for all water-based drilling fluids
Genesis GenWet™ is a water-wetting surfactant that is used to prevent oil-wetting of solids in water-based fluids and preferentially water-wet fluid solids. This can occur when influxes of crude oil occur into the active fluid system. It can occur also when mixing lubricants that function to reduce torque and drag.
High-density water-based fluids containing large amounts of barite are susceptible to “greasing out” in the presence of lubricants and crude oil.
The desirable barite particles can be protected by adding small quantities of Genesis GenWet™ to the fluid. This will prevent oil-wetting of solids and losses on the solids control equipment.
Prevents or alleviates “greasing” or oil wetting of solids in the presence of formation crude oil and/or lubricants.
Typically, 0.25 to 0.50 lb/bbl will provide effective protection of solids. Care should be exercised so that overtreatment does not occur due to the potential for fluid foaming.
Not recommended for addition to nonaqueous fluids like diesel OBM as severe water wetting of solids will occur.
Appearance … Clear to slightly yellow liquid
Flash point…………………………… > 300 deg F
Viscosity…………………………………… < 250 cP
Pour point……………………………..< -20 deg F
Specific gravity ………………………………..1.03
Use normal precautions associated with mixing operations. Refer to the product safety data sheet (SDS) for more information. Packaging Genesis GenWet™ is available in 275 gal totes.